Blogging Roxors my Soxors!

I have now had experience in why blogging is such a good idea! Not only does it let you get feedback quickly or it would if you had a large audience but it also lets you get things off your chest. Particularly in theatre where you may not have many people to talk over your problems with, you can put it on the web for he world to see. However, you need to be careful that you are not going to damage anyone actors can be VERY fragile at times and ensure you are aiming to affirm.

You also help build a community of practice. Sometimes we have similar problems and instead of re-inventing the wheel we can find someone who has had a similar problem and see how they handled it. Of course, it is always a good thing to see that other people are facing the same problems as you are; you needn't feel so isolated when you work as a director.

The third reason, and perhaps the mos important, is that it is just plain fun! Not only is it fun to actually write your posts but there is the joy of making your blog look and function just how you want it too. It is also a good and relatively easy way of improving your skills in writing web code.